The Great Unraveling continues, as news reaches us of Rep. Kucinich's intent to
file articles of impeachment - against Vice-President Cheney.
Which of course is where it makes sense to begin. As much as we admire Rep. Kucinich, at this late stage a waiting strategy has undeniable merit. With the '08 elections looming, Republicans are abandoning the administration in rafts, and the last great hope for a Republican victory would be the ironic charge that Democrats 'circumvented the 2004 election'. Left to their own devices, they will simply unravel and embarass themselves further.
Now, if it were still three years ago, this would have been a much better idea. While we can discuss the merits of '
sending a message' or taking a moral stand, we've all been shouting the message for years now. And our moral stand will count for nothing if we allow the Bush family and their business associates to continue to occupy the White House.